ICUMSA 45 White Refined Sugar for sale.

We are a prominent Provider of ICUMSA 45 White Refined Sugar in the world. Our Sugar is free from all kinds of unwanted materials ensuring excellent quality and high degree of purity. The Refined Sugar that we offer is widely used to add a sweet taste in variety of desserts. We can provide White Sugar is small as well as bulk quantities at the most affordable prices.

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ICUMSA 45 White Refined Sugar

Icumsa 45 Sugar for sale

ICUMSA 45 White Refined Sugar

We are a prominent Provider of ICUMSA 45 White Refined Sugar in the world. Our Sugar is free from all kinds of unwanted materials ensuring excellent quality and high degree of purity. The Refined Sugar that we offer is widely used to add a sweet taste in variety of desserts. We can provide White Sugar is small as well as bulk quantities at the most affordable prices.

White Refined Icumsa 45 Sugar for sale

Specifications :

Commodity – Refined Cane Sugar ICUMSA-45.
Packing – In 50 Kilo bags.
Polarization – 99.80 Degrees min.
Ash Content – 0.04 Max.
Solubility – 100% Dry and Free Flowing
Color – Sparkling White. Maximum 45 Icumsa attenuation index units
Radiation – Within internationally accepted limits.
Granulation – Fine to Medium
Moisture – 0.04% Max.
Magnetic Particles – 4Mp/k
SO2 – 70 Mg/k
Ash By Electrical Conductivity – 0.04% Max. [on dry weight basis]
Sulphur Dioxide – 20 mg/kg Min.
Sediments – None.
Smell – Free of any Smell.
Reducing Sugar – 0.05% Max. by weight.
Hpn Staph Aureus – Nil.
Max AS – 1 P.P.M.
Max PS – 2 P.P.M.
Max CU – 3 P.P.M.
Substance – Solid Crystal
Crop – Fresh Crop

White Refined Icumsa 45 Sugar for sale


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